Horse boarding, training and lessons in Spokane Boarding - Training - Lessons
4607 Gardenspot, Deer Park, WA - 509-276-6345
Full Time Care Provider

"This is my life!" Words from Sally Shepard, owner and manager of Northwest Trails. Caring for horses is her passion and occupation. She is usually on the property 24 hours a day.

She doesn't allow others to take over the feeding (a big job for around 40-50 horses!). This is her time to check each and every horse and make sure they are happy and healthy.

You can be assured that if something goes wrong with your horse such as an injury or illness, it will not go unnoticed. With her years of experience, she will act on an emergency calmly and quickly, and will know what is best for each horse. She knows when to call the vet and always keeps the owner informed.

Feeding Program Full Time Care Provider Additional Care Providers Rehabilitation Program Mare & Foal

©2010 Northwest Trails
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