Here at Northwest Trails we work as a team to help the horses who come here. Within our team, there are many years of diverse experience in many different areas of horse care. This truly is a home of healthy, happy horses. I want to thank the "team" and introduce them to you.
Jim Johnson
A Thoroughbred owner and breeder for many years. Jim is a quiet dedicated horseman. he takes personal responsibility in the care of the horses here starting with his 6:30 am watering and checking on all 45 horses. His mares have foaled here and go to the races. Fun for us to know some horses that race! Thank you Jim!!
Jina Stritzske
This is a lady for THE HORSE...all the way! I am in awe of her skill and knowledge of the horse, inside and out. I depend on her more and more for helping the horses here and answering my "why" questions.
Deer Park Vet Clinic
Staffed by so many knowledgeable equine vets! I have worked with them for 37 years!! I appreciate respect their knowledge. It's reassuring to me to know all I need to do is call and someone will be here in 10 minutes.
Scott Davidson
Horseshoer supreme. Scott doesn't shoe hooves - he shoes the horse. He has helped so many horses here. Scot is a certified Journeyman Farrier, has been on the national shoeing team, judges farrier contests and gives clinics. He is the publisher of the Professional Farrier - -a very important member of the Team!
Dr. Mark DePaolo DVM
Also a licensed equine chiropractor and acupuncturist. So often, I find it's not a "training problem", but a physical pain that is the root of misbehavior with horses. Mark helps us uncover these problems and solve them.
E-mail Mark
Rob & Trisha Dotts
My daughter and son-in-law who live across the field. They are there if I need them, keeping an extra eye on the place. Rob fixes everything and gives me vacation time. Thank You! (they think I need time off??)
Melynnda Pedersen
One of my 'adopted' kids all grown up. The designer of this beautiful web site. I'm proud of you and you help keep me young. Thanks Melynnda!
All Boarders -Past and Present!
To all you who have bought your own places and have their horses home with them - I'm so proud of you. To Vick - my first real boarder more than 20 years ago! I enjoy you so much! And Mother Mary and Mr. Bill, Jana Blair, Tracy, Beckie etc. I love how you love your horses. Kery, Kiley, Marnie, Lauren, Mike, Tari, Lynda, Sue, Amy, Joe, Gay, Anne, Libby, Michelle, Valerie, Alana, Gina and Jerry, Patty, Anita, Arie, Pat
....What A Team! |